
This section explains how to solve some known or frequently encountered issues.

If what you need is not in this section, please contact us without hesitation through the Rootstock Community on Discord. We will be happy to help you!

  • Discovery can't be started
    • On Windows, if you start the node and it doesn't do anything, there is a high chance you have a problem with the UDP port of the node.
    • The UDP port is configured in the node's configuration file, specifically with the value peer.port. By default this port is configured to 5050.
    • To check if that port is already taken by other application you can follow these steps:
      • Open a cmd console and run netstat -ano -p UDP | findstr :5050 (or replace 5050 with the port of your preference).
      • You will get a result with the process ID (if any) already using that port for UDP.
      • With the process ID (the value at the far right), run this command tasklist /FI "PID eq processId-you-got".
    • This will let you know which application/service is using this port.
    • Please make sure the port of your preference is not taken by other application. If so, you need to change the node configuration as explained here, by overwriting the peer port option.
  • I don't see the logs
    • You can configure your own log level, following these instructions.
  • Plugin with id witness not found
    • If you have this error it's possible that you have missed to run rskj's dependencies.
    • So please, follow the instructions depending on your operation system:
      > - [On Windows](/rsk/node/contribute/windows)
      > - [On Linux](/rsk/node/contribute/linux)
      > - [On Mac](/rsk/node/contribute/macos)
  • Truffle doesn't seem to work connected to Rootstock
    • If you can not get truffle migrate complete, you will see something like:
        Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts
        Using network 'development'.
        Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
        Deploying Migrations...
    • Be sure you are using the right configuration in the truffle.js and truffle-config.js files.
    • Remember that you need: node host, node port, network_id and in some cases the from (by default Truffle uses the first account in the node). This last one should be an account with positive balance (because it's the one Truffle uses to deploy contract and run transactions) and it should be present between the node's accounts (you can know that by executing the web3.eth.accounts command).
    • So, your config file should be like this:
        module.exports = {
        networks : {
            rsk: {
                from : "0xcd2a3d9f938e13cd947ec05abc7fe734df8dd826",
                host : "localhost",
                port : 4444,
                network_id : "*" // Match any network id
  • Can't get public IP
    • If you get the error:
    • Can't get public IP when you're trying to run your rskj node, the reason is that rskj uses Amazon Check IP service to set the public.ip parameter.
    • To solve it, you need to change the public.ip key in config file with your IP address (if you don't know your IP, simply search for it).
    • This page will show you how to change a node's configuration file.
  • Rewind Blocks
    • This tool should be used in a scenario where an RSK node processes blocks that are corrupted or invalid, for example after a hard fork. It allows one to remove such blocks and start from a previously known state. It does so by removing the blocks with block number higher than the block number parameter command line argument.
    • Note: The node must be turned off before the rewind, and restarted after.
    • Example:
    java -cp rsk-core-<VERSION>.jar 1000000
    • The above command removes the blocks with number 1000001 or higher.
  • DbMigrate: Migrate between databases
    • This tool allows the user to migrate between different supported databases such as rocksdb and leveldb.
    • How to use
    • To use the DbMigrate tool to migrate between databases, we will need a tool class and CLI arguments.
    • The tool class is:
    • Required CLI arguments:
    • args[0] - database target where we are going to insert the information from the current selected database.
    • Note: You cannot migrate to the same database or an error will be thrown. It is highly recommended to turn off the node in order to perform the migration since latest data could be lost.> > - Example migrating from leveldb to rocksdb:
    • java -cp rsk-core-<VERSION>.jar rocksdb

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